Wednesday 8 January 2014

Five Things You Should Do in Year Twenty-Fourteen

The only things that will change about the New Year are dependent on the true changes that people make. Change is a constant variable and sometimes, it depends on all of us.

Try New Perspectives
If you are used to doing things in a particular way, find new ways of doing them. That’s one lesson I learnt while watching Ben Affleck’s awesome movie titled Argo. Read books, even on issues that you think you know enough about, and you will be amazed at what you do not know. Ask honest and responsible people for ideas and if you find them realistic within the context of your values and standards, try them out. Welcome positive change and things will become new automatically.

Evaluate Your Relationships
It is true that you do not need all the keys in the world to open a door; all you need is the right key.  Hanging out with the wrong people will not move you forward but meeting the right people could do so. You need to evaluate your relationships and open your eyes to the effects of your friendships. This will help you realise where you have unduly slacked and where you actually need to be relaxed. Make appropriate changes as you find them needful; and as much as depends on you, attempt to be at peace with all men.

Bring the Game On
Pick up a new hobby or sport or return to an unknowingly abandoned one. Sometimes, learning a new game or sport could help fine-tune your thoughts and returning to an old one would make your heart merry. Whichever one you choose, the aim is to make your leisure exciting. So, get your gear on and bring the game on.

Be Grateful for the Present
If you are married, write a comprehensive “Thank You” letter to your spouse for all the good things he or she did for you last year. If you are single, appreciate your friends, colleagues and perhaps, your partner. If you are a student, appreciate your parents and teachers for their support. Thank the people who you clearly know have impacted your life positively. Also, be grateful to yourself for pursuing the goals that you set last year. Above all, be grateful to God for giving you a fresh opportunity to make amendments where necessary this year.

Do the Dew
Taking conscious steps in search of the unconscious manifestation of divine blessings is what I refer to as “doing the dew”. To perform this you need to set new goals or tweak and reinvent pending ones. Find desired opportunities. Make the right connections. Pray as though nothing depends on you and work as though everything depends on you. Have faith and try the impossible. Handle your failures with humour. Learn how to constantly generate optimism. And, find other honest means of doing the dew.

So, what are you waiting for?

On your self-drawn mark, get the resources set and go for your goals.

Wishing you a marvellous year,

Ayodeji Morakinyo

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