Monday 27 December 2010

Face to face with Peril

A moment, it was just a smooth journey on a tiny road
Another, it was looming death disguised as two crazy truck drivers
As enormous shock ran up my spine at the speed of light,
The idea of prayer absconded at the speed of sound

How could I have escaped tribulation?
Other passengers had even worsened the atmosphere
Suddenly, the pants of the guy next to me was soaked in urine
Again, the girl behind me couldn’t press the stop button- her scream filled my head
And own teeth auto-clenched as my eyes prepared to see an inelastic collision

If you once faced an angry and hungry death
Then, you’d know what I really sensed
Imminent evil struggled in my heart with the want for mustard-seed faith
Who rescued me, the saving grace of God or the angels?

But in the split of a moment, it was all over
Either the driver found the breaks or the breaks stopped the tires
... ... ...

Wednesday 15 December 2010


If it’s locked up in your heart, open it up
It it’s hooked up in your mind, let it down
If it’s enslaved in your head, let it loose
Don’t mistake a possibility for a ridiculous jargon
No idea is as useless as a rickety lifeless wagon

If it’s an intention, put it down
Never keep it in the dungeon of your brain
A brainchild is about to be born alive
Never cause a still-born by delaying the bringing forth
Nobody gets rewarded for something they wanted to bring forth

You won’t be rewarded for having good intentions
You won’t be awarded for thinking good ideas
It’s what you show as a product that attracts attention
No one would thank the tortoise for having a shell
No one would appreciate the snail for keeping a shell

Don’t let it die in you
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