Sunday 21 April 2013

Published: Inspiring Words for Ambitious Hearts

 I did not start writing at age 4 or 5 or 6. Nope! I was not another Akiane. I was simply Ayodeji. I preferred reading to writing. I loved comprehension passages and procrastinated about doing my composition homework. It was not uncommon for my compositions to contain few words. For me, writing did not really start until I clocked 13. It was not spectacular. It was simple and ordinary. I think it even started because a Sunday school teacher had given us (I and other teens in the Children's Church) a Bible study assignment. Mr Bassey had asked us to go over the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation and extract all the names that were used to refer to God. I did the assignment diligently because I wanted to win the prize. But God gave me a prize through the process. That was how it started.

Many of my friends think I started writing early; their impression is accurately wrong. In fact, the reverse was the case for me. I did not like writing essays when I was in High School. But I loved reading big books. Huge novels, newspapers, magazines and books of art were my favourite. I read many of them and drew cartoons but writing was not just my thing. Apart from the writing of class notes and some jottings, nothing else was worth documenting.

Then, one day, I got into varsity and 1 Corinthians 13:11 was made manifest gradually.

...but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 

I met a young man who first became my rival and later became my roommate and then my friend and now a brother. He was a bookworm; an ever-hungry one. He spent most of his living expenses on knowledge and never got tired of sharing the same. He could write and read and talk and not get tired. And yes, he was a pain in my neck; the kind of person you always have to hang out with though they upset you. It was his writings that made me realise I could write too. It was his passion that made me empty the doubts I stomached about writing. It was his published article that initiated and perhaps, inspired the creation of this blog several years ago. And so, it was to him that this book, my first book ever, was dedicated.

What else is there to say? Why is there a free version for Africans only?
This happened so that the words in Matthew 10:8 may find expression in our continent.

...freely ye have received, freely give.

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When you buy a copy of the book, you give something to the helpless: an orphan somewhere in Lagos or a widow sleeping in the drainage gets a free gift of love. This will happen each time a copy is sold over a period of one year.

What else? Like the book's Facebook page to see free inspiring updates once in a while.

Finally, visit the blog which (though under construction) contains a page for comments and more details about why the chapbook was published.

Thank you very much for sparing time to read this.