Monday 10 June 2013

Anthills of the Savannah: Inspired by Angry People

An angry man is always a stupid man --Chinua Achebe, 1930-2013

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The extent of human foolishness, immeasurable as it is, tends towards maximum under extreme conditions of ease, excitement or anger. Let’s check out anger. If the things people say or do when they are stressed or angry could be recorded and replayed back to them several hours later, many would laugh at their own stupidity. They are humorously inspiring.

Even in our daily public routine, some evidences are available. The traffic situation in Lagos alone has the inherent power to turn educated persons into illiterates. Elites who intentionally leave their offices in the later hours of the night to avoid the stress associated with heavy traffic and still find a hectic traffic waiting for them somewhere are susceptible to losing their calm on the way home. If they encounter similar traffic the following morning in the face of lateness, they may lose their calm again.

Angry men are like fighting babies. Often times, the bone of contention is a simple thing that can be easily resolved. Recently in a public transit unit, three men were arguing. How did it start? One of them said something in the disfavour of a certain politician. Another man who obviously liked the politician said something in his favour. A third one said something that upset both of them. Then a heated argument resulted out of a debate about someone who was elsewhere doing things no one knew. The angry men were discussing problems. Their talk was based on how there was once a country.

That we sometimes make mistakes is a proof of our humanness. That you find it relatively easy to forgive people when they fail you is both a symptom of your human consciousness and an intrinsic proclivity to divinity.

There is no end to the presence of problems, no end to the writing of books and codes. Some of the businesses of tomorrow are being developed today by people who listen to angry people.

Let your anger be against the problems; not the people. Hate the problems and love the people. Find a persisting solution to the problems of the country and let there be a country.

We are anthills climbing the clefts of cliffs sitting upon the bellies of a coarse dark mountain in a green Savannah. The clefts are the challenges in our lives. The cliffs are the problems in our nation. The mountain is where we consider our place of refuge. The green Savannah is the tropical expanse in Africa.
Be attentive to people when they go angry around you. They are sometimes inspiring…

Adieu to Chinua Achebe…I have done the said justice.